complete Customer Relationship Management software that is a great fit for
almost any company, freelancer or many other uses
Manage and invoice projects with the powerful Project Management Feature
Build professional, great looking estimates and invoices.
Powerful support system with ability to auto import tickets.
Easily manage your customers and their contacts, create multiple contacts for your customers and set proper permissions. Customers area is fully separated from the admin area. Clients have their own client portal with all financial data from your company presented in clear view.
Manage projects and track time spent on project for each staff member. Record project expenses and invoices and bill your clients faster. Professional Gantt Chart included for each project and staff member.
Perfex allows you to keep in track your invoices, items and generate reports. Add new currencies, using multiple currencies is allowed by previously setup customer currency. Invoice with different tax based on item.
Create recurring invoices that will be re-created automatically without you lifting a finger, based on the specified period for the recurring invoice. The period time could be days, weeks, months or years.
Creating recurring expenses. Set up a recurring expense and the expense will automatically be re-created after the specified period. The period time could be days, weeks, months or years
Create estimate within a minute, sent to your customers and wait to accept, add notes for better organization for your next actions, create reminders. Ability to auto convert the estimate to invoice after customer accept.
Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales. Receive notification when proposal is accepted/declined and auto send thank you email to your customer after accepting the proposal. Proposal overdue notice before X days available.
Receive payments from Paypal, Stripe, Mollie,, 2Checkout, PayU Money and Braintree, we have implemented payment gateways that are available in most of the countries.
Completed Projects
Business Solutions
Available Country
Users Worldwide
Ability to create estimates and auto convert to invoice after accepting
Send proposal to leads or customers and wait for their feedback
You don't have to go it alone. Master the inbound methodology and get the most out of your tools with K Smart legendary customer support team and a community of thousands of marketing and sales pros just like you.
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